Prom C Group of Companies has been working on the paintwork materials market since 2008. Over the years, kilometers of roofs, walls, pools, floors throughout the Russian Federation have been painted with our products.

We’ve chosen quality as our priority, keeping price competitiveness at the back of our minds. We suppose that quality improvement is a never-ending process. In order to improve our paints and formulations, we are continuously seeking for new ideas. We obtain a great deal of information from outside sources, including thematic exhibitions and a continuous market scan for fresh process improvements. The most intriguing discoveries, however, are “cooked” in our internal kitchen.

We produce eco-friendly latex paints ТМ PromColor. Product range: PromColor rubber paint of various modifications from economy to premium versions, latex facade paints in 6 different versions (including textured ones), latex paints for interior work in 8 versions, textured putties, dedusting impregnations and primers for concrete, wood impregnations.